Monday, February 26, 2007


This is a repsonse that I wrote on Sebi's blog. See the original post at:

Sebi, after reading your blog I had one thought. I believe that you are dead on there must be a larger core value for which the group is working. But I believe that the mission must be broken into small achievable pieces and that be the principle area of focus for the movement. You must must have small pieces. If MLK would have said in Alambama we are going to work for Justice, what does that mean? They broke up the movement into small managable pieces that were capabale of being achieved, i.e. the bus boycott. The operationalization of the movement is important in mobilizing the group. In any movement it must be small and managable while being coherent in with the core values. Which can be hard. What would that look like today as we still see large racial and gender inequalities? How do/can we move forward? I hope so. I think we must!

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